Nov 14, 2010

Time is Waning...

Howdy! Here's a few pics from the past month of life on this side of the pond.

I thought I'd get the gross one out of the way first. haha. This was my wart about 5 months into the awful battle. However, it is now officially GONE! But that picture wasn't as cool.

Made some peanut butter cookies with 2 of my friends here. They enjoyed them. Even though I burnt them.

I love food here. And there's my faithful wallet. It's been with me for 6 or so years now. From left to right we have...pineapple/carrot/pork dish, vegetable mountain, "caramel" apples. The little tea cup is supposed to be for tea, but I usually break the rules. I use it for bones/scraps, etc.

My awesome bowling technique! Yes, we have bowling alleys here!

I love cookies, if you couldn't tell already. If only I had some 2% milk to go with them.

Some neighborhood kids on their school lunch break. Peace signs are VERY cool here. If I continue to throw up the peace sign when I return home, please stop me!

Perhaps, the cutest kid I've met over here. I see him everyday. Our conversation goes verbatin,
me: 'hao hao, ni hao'
him: 'hao hao, ni hao'
me: 'bye bye, zaijian'
him: 'bye bye, zaijian'
....don't know much about the elderly man in the background

a view outside my apartment complex

an incredible burger I consumed in Hong Kong last month

Oct 10, 2010

October Holiday

The view from inside the train. It was a fun 10 hour trip.

Me in a traditional military coat.

View of the water reservoir.

Barbecued chicken foot.

My 22nd birthday cake.

Gotta love the farmer's hat.

Wedding-feast aftermath.

Effective, but scary...for both me and the poor kid too most likely.

Candle lighting in the temple.

Sep 24, 2010

September 25th

cookie dough round #1 over here

planter's wart. gross, right? imagine having it on your foot for 3 months.

30 miles into the 60 mile bike ride we took yesterday. sweat, mud, pain .... BRING IT ON!

visited an ancient city on our bike ride

i had to buy a flower hat. it was less than a dollar, and became a priceless memory.

see, there were other COOL people with these hats on.

homemade granola, round 1. it turned out pretty well, not as clumpy as i would have like though. if i cut up a sour green apple, and mix it in with yogurt, it tastes great for a breakfast.

the end product of the granola.

Sep 18, 2010

City Life

I promise I do more than cook (attempt to cook) over here. But, my pictures would argue otherwise. Enjoy!

I attempted some chicken soup. It turned out AWFUL as you can tell.

The candied sweet potatoes, however, turned out quite well. It made up for the soup, sort of.

I made some homemade tortillas. Although I was without a rolling pin, so I used my orange Nalgene to do the trick.

I walked into the kitchen the other day, and pieces of the kitchen counter were lying in pieces on the floor. I have no clue what happened. Mouse? Poor quality product? Who knows?

My bedroom. Yes, it's a bit messy. But, it has become a home away from home.

Sep 3, 2010

Mountain Trip #3

Hey all. I have included some of the pictures from my most recent mountain trip. Enjoy!

The view from near the airport we flew into.

The park we went to was incredibe. The  mountain lakes were so blue.

Can't take myself too seriously.

More BLUE/see through water.

Got Milk?   Yak milk..that is.

My samurai/need a haircut look.

tree hugger.

part of the family.


Beautiful falls behind. It was quite a trip.

Aug 25, 2010

Fun Food!

My favorite Noodle Dish - Fried Egg and Noodels (I've eaten it 25 times probably. It only costs $.80) 

My favorite breakfast here. Pancakes, homemade blueberry syrup, and bananas. BOMB!

Duck Tongue - part of dinner last night with some friends. They took us out.

Pork Ribs - part of dinner last night, not bad at all.

Corn Cake - part of dinner last night, really good. It had sugar on it.

Pig Ear - part of dinner last night. I actually ate one. It was VERY different. The white stuff was cartilage...chewy and crunchy.

The leftover bones, fish skeletons, etc. Had some whole fish too, minus the head. Then just spit out the bones.

Quite an evening of food!